The beauty and aesthetics industry is one of the most polluting, and those working in this field are acutely aware of the tons of waste produced every year.

Most of the beauty and aesthetics products in fact, have a very short life span, many being single use; their packaging is often made of mixed materials that can make them very difficult, if not impossible, to recycle in full, meaning that they will likely end up in a landfill somewhere and later on, in our oceans.

In light of which, many brands have actively decided to reverse the trend, either by reducing the amount of plastic they use or by going completely plastic-free. Some rethinking their packaging, swapping shiny finishes for something matte, more natural and fully recyclable. 

The KYSENSE® Commitment

KYSENSE® has made a commitment: its environmental ethos reflects the wider environmental policy at Circa Skin Ltd.  KYSENSE® is delivered in a box of four syringes, a move away from the rest of the filler industry where the norm is a package of one or two syringes. This not only saves packaging at the source but also reduces the amount the practitioner has to recycle in their clinic. 

“Less plastic packaging and a smaller carbon footprint than our peers.”

– Claire Williams, Founder + CEO at Circa Skin

The KYSENSE® boxes are lightweight and as compact as possible and they’re made near the manufacturing site: which not only provides business for the local community, but it also limits the carbon footprint caused by unnecessary travel and saves money on freight and haulage costs. 

KYSENSE’s practitioners definitely enjoy having less to store and less to discard, so this move towards more sustainable packaging has received excellent feedback. 

Unboxing KYSENSE® simply means taking the boxes out of the bigger, fully recyclable cardboard box. No padding, no wrapping bubbles at all.

When allowed, we refrain from using paper IFUs, swapping them for electronic versions in different languages, so the document in the box is CE compliant yet lean and lightweight – again saving on packaging at source, but also the amount of packaging left in clinic to recycle.

Last but not least, as a company, we have a rule of no unnecessary travel and the majority of our meetings are conducted online, which was in place even before the pandemic.

These changes are small, but they are a great, simple step towards a greener environment. 

If you’re interested in learning more about KYSENSE® or you’re interested in becoming an official KYSENSE® practitioner, contact us at We’d love to hear from you.